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News & Commentary
Content posted in June 2014
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BATS to Launch BATS One Data Feed
News  |  6/30/2014  | 
Reflecting its merger with Direct Edge, BATS Global Markets will offer a new direct data feed product with a unified view of aggregate quotes, trades, and optional depth information for all four equity exchanges it operates.
Quincy Data Adds to Low-Latency Microwave Service
News  |  6/30/2014  | 
Quincy is adding Carteret-sourced cash treasury data and select equity and energy futures from Cermak to its low-latency microwave distribution service.
Fraud Charges Against Barclays Rock the Dark Pool World
News  |  6/27/2014  | 
New York State's lawsuit alleges that Barclays marketed the safeguards of its surveillance system to buy-side customers but actually favored high-frequency traders in its dark pool.
Former FBI Agent Talks Cyber Security With Deloitte
Commentary  |  6/27/2014  | 
Vigilance can take security only so far. It's time to focus on resilience.
The Dreaded IT Budget Cut: Myth, Reality, Transparency
Commentary  |  6/27/2014  | 
On the surface, a 10% cut on a $2 billion IT budget seems easily attainable. In reality, it isn’t.
Reducing Risk by Automating Cash Management & Securities Pricing
Commentary  |  6/27/2014  | 
Janus Capital Group automated 98% of its core business processes for efficiency and improved accountability.
Automating the Institutional Investing RFP
Commentary  |  6/26/2014  | 
The slow and mostly manual RFP process in the institutional space adds costs and is inefficient. There has to be a better way.
Bloomberg Vault Dives Into Dark Data
News  |  6/25/2014  | 
Bloomberg's enterprise information management service launched File Analytics to help companies manage and unlock the potential of unstructured data.
Cybersecurity Lessons from Former FBI Director
Commentary  |  6/25/2014  | 
Robert Mueller describes how security initiatives within the Bureau are applicable to financial services.
Is Compliance Preventing the Cloud From Reaching Its True Potential?
Commentary  |  6/25/2014  | 
86% of businesses admit issues around data protection, legislation, and regulation are responsible for their slow adoption of cloud computing.
The SEC & Cybersecurity: Expectations & Exam Prep for Investment Firms
Commentary  |  6/25/2014  | 
The current SEC questionnaire asks firms for details about their technology infrastructure, operational policies, and procedures as they relate to cybersecurity.
Bank Fraud: It’s Not Personal, Just Business
Commentary  |  6/24/2014  | 
Less publicized (but nonetheless costly) incidents of fraud, questions of liability, and mixed success in court complicate the allocation of security resources.
Debate Over Conflicts of Interest in Equity Markets Rages On
News  |  6/24/2014  | 
Last week's Senate hearing explored conflicts of interest faced by brokers that receive payment for order flow and rebates for routing orders to certain trading venues, but many experts warned against immediate change.
Higher Demand for Market Data in Compliance Investigations
News  |  6/24/2014  | 
An emerging trend of risk-and-compliance officers requesting specific blocks of market data suggests new opportunity for information providers.
Context Relevant Automates Machine Learning for Data Scientists
News  |  6/23/2014  | 
Context Relevant is using machine learning tools to help data scientists automate quant behavior that previously required rare experts and months to tackle.
The Rise of the Retail Trader – a New Era
Commentary  |  6/23/2014  | 
Retail traders are coming back, but their sights are set on more transparent and low risk instruments, which is adding momentum and service demands to previously quiet markets.
What Really Matters When Transparency & Stability Matter in Markets
Commentary  |  6/23/2014  | 
The high-frequency trading debate carries on, but are the right questions being asked? Scrutiny of incentives and defining 'fair' competition should merit more attention.
Pressures on Bank IT in the Age of Cloud
Commentary  |  6/23/2014  | 
IT operations face pressures from both business and development teams to provide new and innovative services. Focus is now on keeping ahead of the wave of startups that harness the cloud's rapid business capabilities.
Internalizing Continuous Control Monitoring at Financial Institutions
Commentary  |  6/22/2014  | 
The latest wave of regulation is casting a spotlight on the level of control and monitoring that institutions apply to their internal processes.
This Is Why Data Is the Next Frontier in Competitive Advantage
Commentary  |  6/19/2014  | 
In this era of regulation, there is an evolution in data management that can revolutionize the way a financial firm sees its data.
Consider Yourself Served: The Rules Haven’t Changed, But Technology Has
Commentary  |  6/19/2014  | 
Eight to 10 individual employee lawsuits have been dismissed for failure to preserve Facebook and other social media, text messages, email, and other records connected to the case.
Why Secure the ERP Jewels in Paper Vaults?
Commentary  |  6/19/2014  | 
Enterprise resource planning systems are among the most critical for any organization. That makes them very attractive and rewarding targets for attack. Are generic security measures appropriate?
Anti-Malware Doesn’t Cut It in the Mobile Era
Commentary  |  6/19/2014  | 
As operating system architectures shift from open file systems to application sandboxes, traditional anti-virus becomes less relevant. Enterprise mobility management provides both proactive countermeasures and reactive mitigation.
Data Quality: The Misguided Quest for the Truth
Commentary  |  6/18/2014  | 
There are a number of reasons for the high failure rate in data warehouse projects, but I believe that one of the primary culprits is the misguided quest for the truth.
Getting Closer to the Metal in Financial Technology
Commentary  |  6/17/2014  | 
FinTech entrepreneurs are forgoing pre-built frameworks and building Web-based technology uniquely suited to financial applications.
FIX Protocol Gains Traction Among SEFs
News  |  6/17/2014  | 
Most swap execution facilities have adopted the FIX Protocol to avoid fragmentation and allow for aggregation across multiple liquidity pools.
Public vs. Private Cloud: Dollars & Sense
Commentary  |  6/17/2014  | 
The move to the public cloud in financial services has been slow, but economics shows it is about to speed up.
3 Ways to Turn Your Website From a Chore to a Valuable Asset
Commentary  |  6/17/2014  | 
Financial firms don't often think to apply big-data marketing to their own websites, but readily available engagement and tracking tools can help home pages become more than a business brochure.
The Dawn of High-Frequency Compliance: Will You Win the White-Hat Arms Race?
Commentary  |  6/17/2014  | 
Don't look now: The SEC is actively increasing IT spend and quant recruitment to enhance forensics in financial management systems. The implications for the financial services industry are enormous.
Market Data Expense Expert Hires New CEO
News  |  6/16/2014  | 
The Roberts Group has hired a former Omgeo executive as CEO to expand the company, which already helps buy-side and sell-side firms reduce market data expenses between 10% and 30%.
Navigating Cloud Security: 3 Questions to Ask
Commentary  |  6/16/2014  | 
Are you considering a cloud solution but not convinced? Be sure to ask providers about their investments in regulations and security.
Is Analytics a Must Have? Wall Street IT Executives Don’t Seem to Think So
Commentary  |  6/16/2014  | 
Operations spearheaded analytics in IT because the need for it was evident on the surface. But on the software development side, the software risk is behind the scenes until a glitch brings it to the CIO's attention.
LEI, Bit by Bit… & the Missing Bits
Commentary  |  6/16/2014  | 
Here's everything you need to know about LEIs, what they are, how they work, and what's around the corner.
Where Are We Now? The Era of Trade Surveillance Automation
News  |  6/13/2014  | 
"For the first time compliance and surveillance people are demanding access to data instead of running away in fear from it."
Persistent Automation for Fund Management
Commentary  |  6/12/2014  | 
In this age of data management, operational models must be able to house, curate, and level-off information sets as they happen.
Mobile Security: Pinches Speak Louder Than Passwords
Commentary  |  6/12/2014  | 
Risk and security professionals hold the analgesic for the pains the C-Suite is feeling when it comes to mobile security.
The Virtual Datacenter Model Explained
Commentary  |  6/12/2014  | 
There are many tools and technologies that make a virtual datacenter run. Here are a few of the major layers firms will have in their virtual set up.
SEC Charges Against Wedbush Securites Raise Issues With Direct Risk Controls
News  |  6/11/2014  | 
The regulator accused Wedbush of violating the Market Access Rule by allowing customers to set their own risk controls on proprietary and third-party platforms.
REDI Acquires InstaQuote EMS From Merrill Lynch
News  |  6/11/2014  | 
The acquisition expands REDI's EMS client base by more than 20%.
Ask the Right Questions to Improve Trading Analytics
Commentary  |  6/11/2014  | 
Identifying the real reasons that drive your trading strategy is vital to determining the best way to apply data analytics to your processes.
Data Analytics to Drive Financial Services Market to New Heights
Commentary  |  6/11/2014  | 
New data analytics tools are changing the way firms deliver information to users, and it is clear that older data delivery models aren’t making the cut.
Skyhigh Adds 50+ Cloud Services to 'Enterprise-Ready' Program
News  |  6/10/2014  | 
An objective rating assessment program helps differentiate enterprise-ready cloud services from high-risk services.
Financial Firms Must Assess App Store Risks
Commentary  |  6/10/2014  | 
With mobile malware rampant, it is surprising only 18% of financial firms monitor for malware or copycat apps on a daily basis.
SEC In The Dark As Dark Pools Shine
Commentary  |  6/9/2014  | 
The popularity of internalization is reducing liquidity, increasing costs, and harming investors.
5 Enterprise Mobile Security Tips for Financial Firms
Commentary  |  6/9/2014  | 
With all financial firms rolling out mobile apps for customers and internal employees, here are five security requirements every firms must follow.
MicroApps: Unbundle Your Product Platform
Commentary  |  6/9/2014  | 
Unbundling traditional financial services functionality into Web-based APIs allows companies to extend brand relationships to other platforms.
The Long Road To Big Data
News  |  6/9/2014  | 
Although enterprise-wide big data strategies are elusive, there are many smaller projects providing immediate value and paving the road for larger initiatives.
Cloud Computing Can End CRM Torture for RIAs
Commentary  |  6/6/2014  | 
RIAs have been struggling with CRM systems for decades. Is the best solution a cloud-based one?
The Bad Hiring Decision Is Worse Than None At All
Commentary  |  6/6/2014  | 
Managers need to make sure they make good hiring decisions, or they risk long-term damage to their entire group.
Unexpected Client Connection Tool: HD Video Conferencing
News  |  6/6/2014  | 
Video conferencing gives Trust Company of Vermont an edge in customer service and employee collaboration.
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