02:32 PM
Three Mutual Funds Join Account Management Web Site
Customer account information for three mutual funds -- Greenville Capital Management, Harbor Fund and Kensington Funds -- are now available to independent advisers and broker-dealers through Vision, an account management Web site created by business solutions provider DST Systems.
DST Vision offers online information from more than 260 mutual fund and variable annuity companies. Using an ID and password, advisers can check prices, breakpoint schedules and transactions histories; access shareholder statements; and execute a variety of transactions such as purchases, redemptions and exchanges.
"The reps that use this Internet-based platform appreciate the ability to access their clients' accounts online without having to pick up the phone to obtain information on account registration, balances and transfers," says Craig Kirkpatrick, managing director, Kensington Investment Group. "We have also found that it has dramatically decreased the number of incoming phone inquires."