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Vestmark To Enhance SteelPath's Managed Account Platform

Vestmark will provide SteelPath with solutions to automate many of the labor-intensive processes associated with managed account trading and administration.

Vestmark, a comprehensive technology platform for integrating portfolio management, trading and back office functions, announced a partnership with SteelPath Capital Management, an investment adviser to separately managed account (SMA) clients, to provide improved trading and operational efficiency for its growing managed accounts business.

Vestmark will provide SteelPath with solutions to automate many of the labor-intensive processes associated with managed account trading and administration, ensuring a high standard of accuracy and efficiency, the vendor said.

The technology will help SteelPath maintain control and compliance oversight over the platform and across all distribution channels, including comprehensive auditing to meet regulatory reporting and GIPS performance requirements.

"As the MLP asset class continues to grow, we selected Vestmark as the best technology platform provider to help support SteelPath's offering to our SMA clients," said Gabriel Hammond, founding partner of SteelPath. "The operational efficiency, scalability and compliance oversight of the Vestmark Platform allows us to stay focused on the MLP sector and the needs of our clients." Melanie Rodier has worked as a print and broadcast journalist for over 10 years, covering business and finance, general news, and film trade news. Prior to joining Wall Street & Technology in April 2007, Melanie lived in Paris, where she worked for the International Herald ... View Full Bio

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