09:34 PM
Show Floor Traffic Heavy at SIFMA TMC, But Number of Exhibits Decrease
Although the number of exhibits listed on this year's SIFMA Technology Management conference show floor map is down approximately 12 percent from the 2006 SIA Technology Management conference map, there are a record number of exhibitors and attendees at the conference.According to Art Trager, Vice President and Managing Director, SIFMA, there are is a record number of exhibitors manning the show's roughly 279 exhibits. In 2006, according to the show floor map, there were 318 exhibits and there were 303 in 2005. There were 292 exhibits in 2004. This year, Microsoft, Intel and Sun Microsystems, three huge names in the financial services technology space, do not have their own exhibits, choosing instead to have a presence at some of their partner's booths.
The reduction in the number of actual exhibits is especially apparent in Americas Hall 2, Exhibit Level 3. Only a few short years ago, the Americas Hall 2 was filled with exhibitors. In 2006, only a small area was curtained off. This year, almost half of Americas Hall 2 is absent of exhibitors and is curtained off. There is also a small area in the corner that is filled with conference tables.
But the show floor, by most accounts, is packed this year. Most exhibitors are reporting increased and high quality traffic and in many areas it is hard to move through the crowds. Most booths are jammed with attendees, either strengthening existing relationships with vendors or looking for new product offerings.
SIFMA also reported that the number of conference registrants also increased from 2006, with more than 600 registered this year. Numbers from the 2006 conference were not immediately available. Melissa Buden, director of communications, SIFMA, added that the final registrant numbers will not be available until the end of the show and the number would likely increase. While the general sessions are well attended, some of the concurrent workshops have had a sparse audience. Greg MacSweeney is editorial director of InformationWeek Financial Services, whose brands include Wall Street & Technology, Bank Systems & Technology, Advanced Trading, and Insurance & Technology. View Full Bio