09:59 AM
Former SEC Official/Madoff Relative Eric Swanson Said to Be A 'Straight Arrow'
Stephen Labaton of the New York Times, in a well-researched article about Eric Swanson, the former SEC official who married into the Madoff family last year, Unlikely Player Pulled Into Madoff Swirl, says that the work Swanson did in the SEC's Madoff investigations was "relatively minor, and no evidence has emerged that Mr. Swanson did anything involving the firm after he became close to Ms. Madoff in the spring of 2006, current and former commission officials with knowledge of his work said in recent interviews.""Former colleagues in the regulatory world and professional adversaries described Mr. Swanson as a straight arrow, earnest by-the-book Midwesterner who worked long hours and received excellent job evaluations," the article says. "Several said they always saw him act aggressively but fairly in his years at the commission and that they never saw any evidence of him favoring any company, including Madoff Securities."
The article also says Shana Madoff, chief compliance officer at Bernard Madoff Investment Securities and Eric Swanson's wife, is suffering personally from the $50 billion fraud. "Ms. Madoff has told friends that she has lost a substantial portion of her assets, which she invested with her uncle," the article states.