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Risk Newsflashes

Financial Insights forecasts 25 percent growth in spending on risk-data related products and regulatory initiatives; Algorthmics integrates Data Synapse's grid-computing software into Linux version of Algo Suite 4.4; SAS unveils credit-risk management solution.

Algorthmics integrates Data Synapse's grid-computing software into Linux version of Algo Suite 4.4.

Algorithmics and Data Synapse signed an exclusive agreement to provide Data Synapse's grid computing software in Algo Suite 4.4

This means every Linux version of Algo Suite 4.4 delivered to Algorithmics' clients will incorporate GridServer technology from Data Synapse.

Recent Algo Suite on Linux benchmark tests have demonstrated significant increases in computing power for large risk calculations, says Algorithmics. "This agreement gives our clients a superior and tested option for superior risk analysis at a lower total cost of ownership," states Michael Zerbs, chief executive officer at Algorithmics.

Using the Grid Server technology from DataSynapse, the generation of the Algo Suite 4.4's Mark-to-Future cube can be split across multiple machines with each machine simulating a small part of the cube, dramatically improving application performance. It enables firms to manage enterprise risk at a lower cost using Intel-based Linux machines. But since the heterogeneous Algo 4.4 software runs on both Solaris and Linux platforms, it allows firms to utilize existing resources and migrate to a Linux environment in stages, the company says.

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