03:45 PM
Riskdata Offers New Version of FOFix
Riskdata released version 3.1 of FOFiX, its flagship risk management service for hedge funds. The new version incorporates FOFiX Active, which allows users to directly import data feeds from hedge fund and mutual fund database vendors, according to Riskdata.
FOFiX covers all stages of the risk management process — including risk profiling, screening, monitoring, portfolio construction, risk testing and risk reporting — for fund of hedge funds and hedge fund investors. For this latest version of the solution, Riskdata partnered with hedge fund database vendors, including Hedge Fund Research, Eurekahedge, BarclayHedge and HedgeFund.net, to allow users to access the most-current information available in their databases.
"Our clients use external hedge fund databases for certain important functions, and this feature allows them to import this data very quickly," explained Ingmar Adlerberg, chairman of Riskdata, in a release. "This dramatically assists investors searching across thousands of hedge funds for new candidates that precisely match a specific risk profile."
www.riskdata.com 212-931-5794