05:06 PM
Market data Newsflash
MonelineTelerate is the name no more. The company announced it is changing its name to Telerate and is shifting its focus to be a provider of benchmark content in the capital markets. In addition, it plans to launch a new distribution strategy that will make its market data widely available over other market data platforms and applications. "Under this new distribution model, Telerate will partner with select market data vendors to make our premium information available via their platforms and front ends," said Christopher Feeney, CEO of Telerate in a release. "Telerate will continue to sell directly to customers utilizing our new feed, our Active8 and WebStation front ends, and our TRS distribution platform, and will also license this technology to our data distribution partners. We will concentrate on fixed income, foreign exchange, money markets and OTC derivatives to expand our position as the leading provider of benchmark information for the capital markets. As Telerate, our new distribution structure will provide our clients with easier access to the wider cross-section of premium benchmark information they need," Feeney added in the prepared statement.