Profile of Ivy Schmerken
Editor at Large
Member Since: 5/8/2014
Blog Posts: 2629
Posts: 638
Ivy is Editor-at-Large for Advanced Trading and Wall Street & Technology. Ivy is responsible for writing in-depth feature articles, daily blogs and news articles with a focus on automated trading in the capital markets. As an industry expert, Ivy has reported on a myriad number of topics including high frequency trading, algorithmic trading strategies, market structure, electronic trading in fixed income , colocation in data centers, Dodd-Frank regulation and the new derivatives landscape. Ivy meets with software companies and other innovators and writes about cloud computing, OMS/EMSs and other financial technologies.
Articles by Ivy Schmerken
posted in May 2005
Despite the dismal track record with implementing enterprise CRM packages on Wall Street, Harris Nesbitt found a start-up with roots in the institutional equity business.
Cha-ching! Every time a buy-side firm sends an order to a broker or an alternative trading system (ATS), you almost can hear the sound of a cash register ringing.
The New York Stock Exchange may be hedging its bet on electronic trading by seeking to acquire Archipelago's all-electronic platform. But, while Nasdaq intends to combine with INET, the NYSE must decide if it will merge its trading platforms.
With links to electronic markets and broker algorithms, OMSs are a hub for buy-side traders. But are the trading apps trying to do too much?
Frank Troise joined Lehman Brothers as a managing director in charge of U.S. connectivity products.
With a decision on the use of soft dollars imminent, the industry is pondering how the Securities and Exchange Commission will rule on the controversial issue.
CIBC World Market's Global Electronic Trading Services (GETS) is rolling out access to algorithmic trading strategies to all of its buy-side clients, including quants, hedge funds and mutual funds.
In March, the International Securities Exchange (ISE) kicked off its widely anticipated initial public offering (IPO).
Harborside+, an anonymous matching system that competed for market share with Liquidnet, ceased operations last week.
Market data volumes are increasing at an alarming rate as options trading goes electronic and algorithmic trading expands. The trend will increase the capacity needs of users, data vendors and exchanges alike.